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Curse of the Golden Flower(2006)

Curse of the Golden Flower
Man cheng jin dai huang jin jia (2006)

Actiunea este plasata in China (sec X) spre safarsitul dinastiei Tang. Imparatul isi ia ca nevasta o printesa dintr-o provincie vecina. Aceasta ii naste 2 fii si ii creste fiul dintr-o casnicie anterioara.
Viata la curte este plina de intrigi , frustrari , comploturi , incest , sete de putere...in concluzie decadenta la cel mai inalt nivel....

Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006

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