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Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon

Saam gwok dzi gin lung se gap (2008)

Doi consateni servesc in armata lordului Liu care incearca sa unifice China si se lupta cu generalul Cao.Zhao Zilong, unul dintre ei , devine un mare general datorita actelor de vitejie de pe campul de lupta. Cei 2 au idealuri diferite si dupa 20 de ani de serviciu militar isi dau seama ca n-au reusit nici unul sa le indeplineasca...

Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008
Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon 2008

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